ICS Open Campus 3



Find More About Hitotsubashi ICS and Our MBA Program 


Hitotsubashi ICS is Japan's Number 1 Global MBA* and one of the top business schools in Asia.
The open campus is an opportunity to learn more about Hitotsubashi ICS and our MBA Program.
You can acquire information about admission, scholarships, and the application process.
It's a great way to find out more about what our institution has to offer.
*based on QS Ranking 2023


INTRODUCING | Hitotsubashi ICS & Our MBA Program

We are the first national university business school in Japan and is located at the heart of Tokyo's business district.

Our mission is embracing complexity and achieving the "Best of Two Worlds" - by acting as a bridge linking Japan to Asia and the globe, and as an international center of excellence for the creation, management, and dissemination of knowledge.

Our vision is to develop global-minded leaders who are experts on Japan, connected to Asia, and capable of making a significant and positive impact.

MOCK CLASS | Japan in 2023 - From NIS (National Innovation System) x COE (Center of Excellence) Perspectives

You will have a chance to sample a 30 min. version of "Japanese Business and Economy", one of the required courses MBA students are taking in their very first term.

We are looking at Japan from the perspectives of NIS (national innovation system; a network of institutions and actors in both public and private sectors whose activities and interactions influence the emergence and evolution of specific industries) and COE (center of excellence; a place, an organization, or a team known for doing a particular set of activities very well), and discuss roles Japan as an COE can and should play in the global strategy of your company or other multinational companies.  

Join us for a sneak preview of what an MBA class session is like.


Event Overview

Name ICS Open Campus 3
Date Tuesday, November 7, 2023 | 1900-2030 JST
Fee Free of Charge
Venue In-Person (7F Open Space) & Online (Zoom) 
Deadline Tuesday, November 7, 2023 | Until 1900 JST
Contact Neil Monsalud | nmonsalud@ics.hub.hit-u.ac.jp

Schedule / Agenda

19:00-19:10 Greetings / Opening Remarks
19:10-19:30 School and Program Introduction
19:30-20:00 Mock Class
20:00-20:30 Session with Current Students and Alumni
20:30-21:00 (Optional)  Casual Mingling



Q. Can I join the event after it has started?
A. Yes, please join at your available time.

Q. Can I cancel or modify my registration after I have registered?
A. Yes, you are able to cancel or change your registration.

Q. Is the event free of charge?
A. Yes, it is free for you to join.
